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Pricing Transparency in the Recycled Plastics Supply Chain in India, Indonesia, Thailand, and Vietnam 

Recycled plastics markets in India and Southeast Asia face multiple demand- and supply-linked bottlenecks along the value chain, including a lack of transparency in the pricing of plastic waste feedstock and recycled plastics.

This opacity results in fluctuating demand and supply, poor capacity utilization at recycling facilities, and, ultimately, challenges for brand owners to meet commitments on using recycled content in plastic packaging. Data on prices is critical for strategic planning at all levels. In the absence of pricing data, brands and other buyers of recycled plastics set targets that are out of sync with market realities.


The report “Pricing Transparency in the Recycled Plastics Supply Chain in India, Indonesia, Thailand, and Vietnam” and the accompanying Recycled Plastics Policy and Pricing Tool aim to address this issue. The resources available on this page focus on the domestic plastic recycling pricing dynamics in India, Indonesia, Thailand, and Vietnam. By providing comprehensive insights, we enable stakeholders across the value chain to better comprehend the addressable market opportunity and make more informed decisions to drive positive change in the recovery and recycling sector.

Read the Insights

“Pricing Transparency in the Recycled Plastics Supply Chain in India, Indonesia, Thailand, and Vietnam ” provides insights on pricing in the recycled plastics value chains in India, Indonesia, Thailand, and Vietnam, and sets the context for the policy interventions that have been selected for modeling through the tool. 


Learn more about the prices and volumes of recycled polymers traded by different actors in the four geographies, the distribution of profits across the value chains, and the modeled impacts of policy interventions on the volumes, market share, and prices of recycled polymers.


Recycled Plastics Policy and Pricing Tool

The Circulate Initiative’s Recycled Plastics Policy and Pricing Tool allows users to estimate the impact of different policy interventions on the output volumes, market share, and prices of recycled plastic polymers. The tool also indicates the potential impact of policy interventions on the profits of the value chain participants.


This tool has been developed with the expectation that these policies will result in an increased supply of recycled plastics. The results of the modeling should be read together with the findings from the report “Pricing Transparency in the Recycled Plastics Supply Chain in India, Indonesia, Thailand, and Vietnam.”

Scope of the Model

Please note that data is not available for all polymers or all policies for all countries. The following policy simulations are available for each country:

Image by Dustan Woodhouse

Who Should Use the Tool:


Recycled Plastics Value Chain Actors

  • Collectors, aggregators, and recyclers can assess the impact of policies on prices and volumes of recycled plastics.

  • This information will allow for better planning and target-setting by collectors, aggregators, and recyclers.




  • The tool helps investors to assess the financial viability of potential investments in the recycled plastics value chain, and to identify profitable opportunities in the sector.

  • The modeling aspect of the tool allows investors to anticipate the impact of emerging policies on their investments.



Buyers of
Recycled Plastics

  • Through understanding the impact of policies on recycled polymers, buyers of recycled plastics can make informed decisions around incorporating recycled materials in their products.

  • They can set more realistic targets for procuring recycled content, and the budget allocated for the purchase of recycled material.


Policy Makers

  • Policy makers can use the tool to model the impact of the policy interventions on the volumes, share, and prices of recycled plastic polymers.

  • This will support informed policy planning to drive positive change in the sector.



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Insights Report

Insights on pricing in the recycled plastics supply chains and the modeled impacts of policy interventions on pricing transparency.


The Circulate Initiative’s Pricing Transparency Report (the “Report”) and the Recycled Plastics Policy and Pricing Tool (the “Tool”) is provided for general informational purposes only.  This study is a first attempt to examine the degree of pricing transparency in the recycled plastics value chain and model the potential impact of policy interventions in India, Indonesia, Thailand, and Vietnam. Users of the information must note that recycling supply chains in these countries are complex, especially due to their informality. The information shown in this Report is based on data available at the time of our study conducted in 2022. The information is subject to change without notice. The Report and the Tool are for individual use only and no part of the Report or the Tool may be copied, shared, or used in any way other than for its intended purpose without The Circulate Initiative’s prior written consent. All legal rights, including intellectual property rights of the Tool and Report are reserved by The Circulate Initiative. The Circulate Initiative disclaims all liability and damages arising from your use of the Report and Tool, or any information provided thereby. By using the Report and Tool, you accept these terms and agree not to hold The Circulate Initiative or its affiliates or any third party service provider liable for any possible claim for damages arising from any decision you make based on information or other content made available to you through the Report and the Tool.

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