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  • Writer's pictureThe Circulate Initiative

The Circulate Initiative launches Plastics Circularity Investment Tracker to tackle ocean pollution

Packaging Insights

Author: Sabine Waldeck

The Circulate Initiative has released the Plastics Circularity Investment Tracker, enabling decision-makers to understand investments into plastics circularity better. Despite the potential of a circular economy to curb the plastic pollution crisis, The Circulate Initiative notes gaps in financing and action remain. It launched the tracker to address this financing knowledge gap by consolidating, analyzing and reporting on investment trends in plastics circularity across emerging markets.

The tracker accompanies the insights report titled “The Plastics Circularity Investment Tracker: Monitoring Capital Flows to Tackle the Ocean Plastic Pollution Challenge.” The report exposes the disproportionate capital distribution across the plastics value chain, with 88% of investments allocated to downstream solutions such as recycling and recovery.

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