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15 Basic Principles: Establishing an effective extended producer responsibility (EPR) scheme for packaging

Year of Publication


This document outlines a set of basic principles for designing and implementing effective EPR frameworks to help governments, the private sector and civil society stakeholders to develop effective EPR schemes.


World Wildlife Fund (WWF)






Purpose of Measurement:

Solution Sets and Impact Potential

Impact theme(s):

Policy, Material Flows, Climate, Oceans

This document outlines a set of basic principles for designing and implementing effective EPR frameworks. It is to help governments, the private sector and civil society stakeholders to develop effective EPR schemes because the design of current EPR schemes remains questionable, on whether it has created the desired outcomes to steer the transition from a linear to a circular economy. These principles will serve as a benchmark for stakeholders to ensure that current EPR schemes are on the right track towards a circular economy and provide guidance for future policy designs.

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