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Chemicals in Plastics - A Technical Report

Year of Publication


This report aims to inform the global community about the chemical-related issues of plastic pollution and options to address them.


United Nations Environment Program (UNEP)


Roland Weber, Narain M. Ashta, Nicolò Aurisano, Zhanyun Wang, Magali Outters, Kimberley De Miguel, Martin Schlummer, Markus Blepp, Helene Wiesinger, Helena Andrade, Martin Scheringer, Peter Fantke





Purpose of Measurement:

Understanding the Problem, Solution Sets and Impact Potential, Monitoring and Evaluation

Impact theme(s):

Policy, Material Flows

This report aims to inform the global community about the chemical-related issues of plastic pollution and options to address them. It also aims to support the negotiation process to develop the instrument on plastic pollution based on United Nations Environment Assembly resolution 5/14. The report outlines a set of credible and publicly available scientific studies and initiatives focused on chemicals in plastics and the science-policy interface. However, the report is not exhaustive given the large and rapidly growing volume of global research on the topic, nor does it comprehensively review the environmental and occupational epidemiological literature. As the evidence base grows, future efforts will build on this report to further provide support and take actions to reduce the impacts of plastic pollution and the associated chemicals affecting individuals, communities, and ecosystems.

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