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Circularity Assessment Protocol: Pune, India

Year of Publication


The Circularity Assessment Protocol (CAP) for Pune, India is a standardized assessment diagnostic tool to inform decision-makers through collecting community-level data on plastic usage and management.


The Circularity Informatics Lab


Taylor Maddalene, Sheridan Finder, Kunal Jaiswal, Avinash Madhale, Sanskriti Menon, Kathryn Youngblood, Jenna Jambeck




Tool, Measurement (System/Market/Tool), Primary Data, Strategy

Purpose of Measurement:

Monitoring and Evaluation, Solution Sets and Impact Potential, Understanding the Problem

Impact theme(s):

Material Flows, Climate, Policy

The Circularity Assessment Protocol (CAP) is a standardized assessment diagnostic tool to inform decision-makers through collecting community-level data on plastic usage and management. Grounded in materials flow and systems thinking concepts, the CAP uses a hub-and-spoke model to holistically characterize how consumer plastic flows into a community, is consumed, and flows out, either through waste management systems or leakage into the environment. The model consists of seven spokes: input, community, material and product design, use, collection, end of cycle, and leakage.

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