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Mapping Local Plastic Recycling Supply Chains: Insights from Selected Cities in Thailand

Year of Publication


The research undertakes a detailed assessment of “wastesheds”, a geographical region with a common solid waste disposal system, or an area designated by the governing institutions as appropriate for developing a common recycling program in each country.


The Circulate Initiative





Strategy, Primary Data

Purpose of Measurement:

Understanding the Problem, Solution Sets and Impact Potential

Impact theme(s):

Material Flows, Policy, Oceans

The research undertakes a detailed assessment of “wastesheds”, a geographical region with a common solid waste disposal system, or an area designated by the governing institutions as appropriate for developing a common recycling program in each country. The objective of the research is to understand the local-level supply chains for secondary plastics, including key actors, infrastructure, and regulatory influences. Additionally, it aims to understand the economics of secondary plastic at each stage of the local plastic supply chains and the key factors that influence prices. The study also identifies areas where interventions can be made to improve supply chains.

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