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Plastic Waste Trade: The Hidden Numbers

Year of Publication


This report by IPEN and other researchers highlights the significant volume of plastic waste exports that are often overlooked, particularly exports from Japan, the UK, the EU, and the US to non-OECD countries and Türkiye.


International Pollutants Elimination Network (IPEN)


Therese Karlsson, Jan Dell, Sedat Gündoğdu, Bethanie Carney Almroth




Primary Data

Purpose of Measurement:

Understanding the Problem

Impact theme(s):

Material Flows

This report by IPEN, the University of Gothenburg, Cukurova University, and The Last Beach Cleanup highlights the significant volume of plastic waste exports that are often overlooked, particularly exports from Japan, the UK, the EU, and the US to non-OECD countries and Türkiye. The report finds that the current system for tracking plastic waste trade underestimates the volumes of plastic wastes traded globally, missing as much as 1.8 million tonnes of hidden plastic wastes, and that exports to non-OECD countries could be more than double when hidden plastic wastes are counted.

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